Core D

The primary purposes of Core D (the Microscopy Core) are to provide central facilities and technical assistance for:

Service/Technical Assistance in the preparation, optical imaging and image analysis of cells and tissues. In addition, Core D will design and fabricate specialized chambers, holders, etc. to facilitate live cell and tissue imaging of adipocytes, nerves, blood vessels and immune cells in perivascular adipose tissue in Projects I-IV;

Training in methods and approaches for the preparation, optical imaging and importantly image analysis of cells and tissues both ex vivo and in vivo will be available, as needed, by Projects I-IV; and

Development of new approaches and instruments to help Projects I-IV push their science forward.

This mission will be accomplished through the personnel and equipment that comprise this core. Core D will assist PVAT PPG investigators with routine optical imaging and image analysis of slides, as well as more sophisticated analysis such as co-localization, deconvolution and 3-D reconstruction. Time-lapse imaging of living, cultured cells; dynamic, real-time imaging of intracellular Ca2+ and intravital microscopy also will be accomplished in Core D. By centralizing core techniques, Core D will enable cost efficiency because a portion of technical help and laboratory facilities/equipment will be provided, avoiding a duplication of efforts and expenditure of money by the investigators. In addition, by providing services, training and development for all Project personnel, Core D will provide PVAT PPG investigators with a degree of quality-control, rigor, and reproducibility in experiments as well as additional time with which PPG investigators can follow scientific pursuits.

Key equipment and facilities >


The primary purpose of the Microscopy Core (Core D) is to provide centralized support for optical imaging of cells and tissues in Projects I-IV within the PVAT PPG. Core D provides:

Service/Technical Assistance in the preparation, optical imaging and image analysis of cells and tissues. In addition, the Microscopy Core will also design and fabricate specialized chambers, holders, etc. to facilitate live cell and tissue imaging of adipocytes, nerves, blood vessels and immune cells in perivascular adipose tissue in Projects I-IV.

Training in methods and approaches for the preparation, optical imaging and image analysis of cells and tissues (as needed by project personnel), with a particular focus on live-cell imaging.

Development of new approaches for the preparation, optical imaging and image analysis of cells and tissues including the fabrication of chambers, holders, etc. to facilitate imaging of different cells in PVAT.

This mission will be accomplished through the personnel and equipment that comprise Core D. The composition of Core D is unique; it utilizes equipment and expertise not found elsewhere at Michigan State University, and also synergistically integrates with existing microscopy centers on campus. Core D will assist PPG investigators with routine optical imaging and image analysis of slides, as well as more sophisticated analysis such as co-localization, deconvolution and 3-D reconstruction.

Live cell imaging of intracellular Ca2+ and intravital microscopy will also be accomplished in Core D. By centralizing core techniques, Core D will enable cost efficiency because a portion of technical help and laboratory facilities/equipment will be provided, avoiding a duplication of efforts and expenditure of money by the investigators. In addition, by providing technical help, Core D will provide PVAT PPG investigators with a degree of quality-control, rigor and reproducibility as well as additional time with which PVAT PPG investigators can follow scientific pursuits.

Core D Team

William F. Jackson

Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Core D Leader, Project II Collaborator

Dr. Jackson is an expert in the optical imaging of cells amd tissues and will assist Project Leaders and other team members in the design and analysis of imaging experiments involving PVAT and blood vessels. He will also collaborate with Dr. Gulbransen and team members in Project II in imaging and quantifying PVAT innervation.

Nathan R. Tykocki

Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Core D Co-Leader

Dr. Tykocki is an expert in the design and construction of devices to control and measure tissue biomechanics and vascular function. He operates the PPG’s 3-D Printer and Device Fabrication Core, which is part of Core D. He also is experienced in imaging living tissue and will assist Dr. Jackson in managing Core D.

Emma D. Flood

Research Associate
Project I Member

Emma, as a research associate in the Watts lab, is focused on architectural contributions of proteins to PVAT structure and function, as well as the effects of stretch on PVAT function. She is astoundingly positive and brings much color to our laboratory.

Integration with other projects

Integration with other projects
  • Imaging and quantifying collagen and elastin – Projects I and IV.
  • Live cell/tissue and fixed tissue imaging of adipocytes, nerves, immune cells and blood vessels – Projects II, III and IV.
  • Ca2+ imaging in adipocytes, nerves and vascular cells in blood vessels – Project II.
  • Deconvolution and 3-D reconstructions of PVAT, elastin, collagen, nerves, immune cells and blood vessels – Projects I-IV.
  • Intravital microscopy of mesenetric PVAT – Projects I-III.
  • Development and fabrication of chambers and measurement equipment to study the mechanical behavior of blood vessels and surrounding PVAT – Project I.
  • Pressure myography of isolated blood vessels ± PVAT – Projects I and II.


Not applicable.
