Core C
Core C (Informatics and Computation Core) will support bioinformatic analysis, computational modeling, and training in computational modeling for personnel in this program project grant. The overall goal of Core C is to provide centralized support in generation of bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq data and its bioinformatic analysis, and training in genomic data analysis and network visualization tools to trainees and PIs in all Projects and Cores.
This core will oversee bulk and single cell RNA-Seq studies and analyze their results to (i) develop intra- and inter-cellular signaling networks, (ii) identify critical transitions in cell fate predictive of disease onset, and (iii) generate novel hypotheses for the individual Projects.
A secondary role of the core will be to provide training to investigators and trainees in use of computational tools for bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq data analysis, signaling network visualization, and analysis.